School staff are often well placed to spot signs that a harmful practice, such as forced marriage, is being planned, or that abuse is taking place within the family home. A child may show behaviour changes such as lack of concentration, appearing anxious or signs of self-harm. There are many indicators that a child could be experiencing ‘honour’ based abuse and looking out for these can be challenging, especially as some indicators can be linked to other changes in a child’s life.
Our training explores different indicators and includes learning on what the ‘honour’ codes mean to some communities. We believe that if professionals have a strong understanding of harmful practices, including the reasons behind them, then they will feel more confident in spotting the signs and dealing with concerns in a way that is proportionate and sensitive.

What we do
All our sessions are run with facilitators from affected communities who share how harmful practices impact families and communities.

We recommend training for the whole staff team, as anyone in your team, including DSLs, PE teachers and lunchtime staff, may notice changes in a child’s behaviour that could indicate concerns around harmful practices.

We can adapt the training and time as needed, so please contact us to discuss your team’s training needs.

We offer some lessons and training free of charge for state schools.

Safeguarding training for independent schools costs £250 online and £300 in person (based on 90 minutes session).
FGM Safeguarding Training
Our FGM safeguarding training supports your team to recognise the indicators of FGM to identify girls at risk and survivors. Your team will understand the communities who may be affected by FGM and build the confidence to sensitively safeguard and support young people.
- What is FGM?
- Harms and reasons
- Law
- Prevalence
- Warning signs that FGM might be planned
- Warning signs that FGM might have occurred
- Tools
- Safeguarding and mandatory reporting
- Tips for talking to victim-survivors
- What we can do
- Helplines

‘Honour’-Based Abuse (HBA) and Forced Marriage Safeguarding Training
Our ‘Honour’-Based Abuse (HBA) and Forced Marriage Safeguarding Training supports your team to recognise the indicators of HBA, including forced marriage, to identify children at risk and victim-survivors. Your team will understand the “honour codes” in affected communities and build the confidence to sensitively safeguard and support young people.
- What is HBA?
- What is forced marriage?
- Harms and reasons
- Prevalence of HBA/forced marriage
- The law on HBA/forced marriage
- Warning signs that a forced marriage might be planned
- Warning signs that a forced marriage might have taken place
- Safeguarding
- Tips for talking to victim-survivors
- What we can do
- Helplines

Online Imagery Safeguarding Training
Our Online Imagery Safeguarding Training supports your team to navigate the complex world of social media and its impact on body image and relationships. Your team will understand the pressures and features of the current online world, in relation to body image, mainstream pornography and colourism, to build the confidence to sensitively safeguard and support young people.
- The landscape of the online world
- Body image, social media and marketing
- Pornography and unrealistic expectations
- Key laws
- Practical tips for tech
- Tips for conversations
- Support for young people / safeguarding