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Web Cafes

Our Web Cafes are online spaces for communities and professionals to discuss tricky topics.

We invite speakers to share their views in the first (recorded) part of the Web Cafe and then we include all participants who wish to join the discussion in the (non-recorded) second part.

Participants can either just listen in, or take part in the conversations, in a non-judgemental space.

We run a series of 5 or 6 weekly Web Cafes, twice a year, for adult participants. The meetings have been set up to share information about harmful practices and abuse issues, as well as for friendship and mutual support.

Please contact us or join using the link on a flyer.
Our meet-ups are run using Zoom.

You will not be anonymous to our charity if you provide your email address, although you can make yourself less visible (see below). We kindly ask that you identify yourself where possible with a first name and your organisation, so we know who is “in the room”.

Sundial is committed to providing safe, comfortable spaces online

Our charity promises:

  • We will not share your email address or anything you say about yourself or your organisation (“your information”) with other participants without your permission.
  • We will not share your information with anyone outside the group, with the exception of safeguarding concerns. Please note that if you tell us anything that makes us concerned for a child or vulnerable adult then we will have to pass this information on, in line with our Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policies.
  • We will record in writing broad discussion themes for internal purposes only, to report to our funders and develop further resources. No one will be identifiable in these notes.
  • We may also record the first half of the Web Café where we hear from our guest speaker/s, but we will stop the recording for open discussion.
  • Please see our Rescue and Helplines pages for further support on issues covered during the session.
  • Please notify a facilitator if you need emotional support at the end of a meet-up. Please use the chat function during the Web Cafe (choose the facilitator only) or you can contact us.
  • We will hold your email address only for sharing information about Web Cafes (and if you confirm in writing that you wish to join our newsletter circulation list) or until you tell us that you no longer want to join our Web Cafes.

You can make yourself less visible to the group by:

  • Hiding your full name before the session begins (Go to ‘profile’ and edit your name at the top of the page. Please note we may still ask you to identify yourself to our team to ensure that no people are admitted who intend to disrupt the session.)
  • Changing your name after entering a Zoom meeting:

Click on the “Participants” button at the top of the Zoom window.
Next, hover your mouse over your name in the “Participants” list on the right side of the Zoom window. Click on “Rename”.
Enter the name you’d like to appear in the Zoom meeting and click on “OK”.

  • You can ask questions in the ‘chat’ box during the session and there is an option to make your questions and comments visible to facilitators only.
  • You can join in without video and use only audio (Again, we may ask you to identify yourself briefly at the beginning, so we know who is “in the room”).

What if I’m worried about joining an online meeting because it will increase my risk of domestic abuse?

  • Please only join the webinar if you feel that it is safe for you to do so.
  • You can find advice on using the internet here: ‘Cover your tracks online’

Web Café Recordings

Rubie Marie, Caroline Goode and Jaswant Narwal – ‘Handling cases of ‘honour’-based abuse in the police and CPS’
Dr Mohammad Mazher Idriss – Male activism and the impacts of HBA on boys and men
Sobia Afridi – Fertility
Seema Dhanak and Arifa Naeem – Mental health
Arifa Naeem and Sobia Afridi – Female Perpetrators
Fatou Badjie and Sobia Afridi – Polygamy
Elmore, Rubie Marie and Sobia Afridi – Duress
Thames Valley Police – Modern Slavery
Dr Brian Earp and Dr Fuambai Ahmadu – Should adult women be able to consent to genital alterations?
Naz Shah, MP and Seema Dhanak, from V2SEmpowerment and Sobia Afridi – Abandoned Brides
Babs Ceesay and Dr Sharon Dixon, Trustee for Oxford Against Cutting – FGM and Life Stages
Nina Aouilk and Sarnjit Kaur – “Honour”-based abuse and forced marriage
Abi Wycherley and Dot Pritchard – Pornography, Body Image and Smart Phones
Sahar Zand and Sobia Afridi- Virginity Testing and Hymenoplasty
Naseem Sarbattawalia and Fatou Badjie – Barriers to sexual abuse services