Education on harmful practices including ‘honour’-based abuses

How we work

Learning from lived experience

Every workshop is designed and delivered with facilitators from affected communities who bring lived experience on the impacts of harmful practices.

How we help

Our approach

We deliver sensitive, age appropriate lessons for students of all ages on harmful practices, online imagery and body image. We also provide specialist  safeguarding training for school staff teams. Our workshops for state schools are free of charge!

We support frontline services working with domestic abuse victims from minoritised communities. Our support includes specialist training on issues such as intersectionality, NRPF and transnational marriage abandonment. We also run regular series of Web Cafes to tackle tricky topics and lead the multi-agency Diverse Worlds group.

We deliver tailored workshop series for community groups, with education on healthy relationships and abuse issues such as “honour”-based abuse. We are respectful of traditional family values in communities and only challenge harm. We run campaigns to share helpline numbers and arts projects for young people to create materials.

We also provide specialist support for services working with women from diverse communities suffering abuse.


Supporting victim-survivors with protected characteristics: a resources bank

Our free, downloadable toolkit has an evolving list of web resources to support work on types of domestic abuse and harmful practices (e.g. early and forced marriage and FGM). You can sort and select these according to protected characteristics, language/accessibility and topic using the arrows at the top. We’ve also provided a contact list of support organisations. Let us know if there’s anything we should add!

Watch our films

Check out our True Izzat films, available in Urdu, Punjabi and English.

Upcoming events